Am Mittwoch, 20. September 2006 07:36 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> No, it isn't the one you all think it is. :p
> The original archive also has all the required .dlls
> Dec130.dll , edec.dll, winsdec.dll, winstr.dll and of course the
> code to play the .rpl files.  I assume the people that did
> converting did this on linux, and there wasn't any windows coders
> right?  What I mean is, if the original code worked fine for
> windows, then why was it removed?
> Was it a GPL issue by not having, or maybe not distrbuting the .dll
> files that are needed to play the .rpls?  They are (c) Eidos, but
> does that make a difference?
> Or was it just that since it can't be played on linux, they dropped
> it?  Can I reinsert the code that was dropped ?  What about convert
> the .dlls via wine to .so files?  That OK?
RPL won't come back. And there won't be a Windows only solution either. At 
least not by me.

> If not OK, then what, fork the SP & MP/skirmish so we don't have to
> deal with GPL restrictions that make no sense for this game since
> everything *should* be covered by GPL
Tell me what restrictions make no sense and you may create as many forks as 
you want.

> I also found out that in the original game, if you hit out a
> sequence with ESC, then you can only hit the little green circle
> icon thing before "PAUSE" (displayed) is unpaused.  So bug #6734
> isn't a bug is it?  That fix seems too drastic if the videos come
> back?  Same goes for the other stuff that was killed/tweaked that
> has to do with videos.  While it may be OK now, it will be broken
> again later when video stuff is put back in.
Could you give that info on the bugtracker?


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