Hi !

> Have you been following what is going on with warzone lately?

Not really. I still receive emails from the list, quickly read
them to know if anything interesting happens...

> When you guys first did the project, did you assume both source &
> data are GPL?  Or was this not a issue at that time?

Yes. they were in the same package. The package had a "licence.txt"
file in the root directory that didn't mention data and source
code were released under a different license, so we used to
assume the whole package is under GPL (except for DLLs I guess).
And no I don't think this was an issue at that time.

> Also, did Qamly ever give you any utility that converted the wdg
> files to wz files?

Yes he sent an utility that unpacks wdg files (I used it to unpack
a whole lot of addon maps).
It's likely this file is still lurking in an "archive" directory
somewhere. I'll try to find it.

> How did you convert the map packs from wdg to wz?

I wrote a script that used Qamly's utility. I'm afraid I don't
have this script anymore.

> Can you upload the utility/source to the gna site if so?

Whenever I find Qamly's utility I'll upload it.

Best regards,


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