On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 04:52:57PM +0100, Dennis Schridde wrote:
> What about other non attacking units like sensors (and I guess there are 
> others)?
> Do we need to handle them as special cases, too?
I don't know. I admit I hadn't even thought of that, the repair droid
problem has been driving me crazy for so long that when I finally found the
solution, I didn't even think of that. In addition, I don't use sensors or
other kinds of non attacking units (other than repair droids/cyborgs) in a
commander group because they don't seem to provide any benefits; however,
it'd be a good idea to find out if they also malfunction wouldn't it? I'll
test this tonight.

> If yes, would it somehow be possible to make this more generic? Eg classify a 
> droid as not attacking?
I don't know. Sorry, this is the first time I've worked with the code so I
don't even know if there's a generic classification for things like non
attacking units. I haven't *seen* one, but that doesn't mean much at this
point. If something to do the equivalent doesn't already exist, I could
invent a function to do this - obviously if something does, well, please
tell me and I'll use it instead if I need to.(Reinventing the wheel is bad. :)

> > By the way, the formatting of the code is a little wacky, perhaps you guys
> > should use astyle to clean it up? Just a suggestion.
> Would be good, Per and I allready talked about that a looong time ago.
> But the code is currently very much moving and I think we didn't yet agree on 
> a style we want to use, so we skiped it for now.
Maybe we should start discussing the kind of style to use then? I'm not
saying you should run astyle against the tree now, or even relatively soon.
If you haven't agreed on the style to use, that's one more thing preventing
you from actually doing it right? I'll drop this if it's a touchy subject,
but I would like to be able to easily understand nested code. :)

Tim McGrath

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