On 5/19/07, Dennis Schridde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am Samstag, 19. Mai 2007 schrieb The Watermelon:
> this patch is by no means working properly,but with these 2 things fixed
> should be usable:
> 1.Change terrain vertices back to int/change float
> to shift or use new terrain renderer
> 2.Fixed some minor texture coords problems.

Why did you turn sx,sy,sz into vertexPos in this patch? That should get
into a
seperate patch.
Why did you use Vector3d at some times?
Why did you add this iV_DIVFLOATDIV macro? And what do the magic values

And actually I expected this patch to be split into smaller parts. Read
floats, store floats, render floats or something like that...


1.sx,sy,sz are not human-understandable and may get confused with 'x,y,z' in
SV_MESH struct
2.it's double used in imdload to pre-calculate some radius stuff
3.iV_DIVFLOATDIV is equal to the old (>>15)(the max tolerable depth of
tile(distance) to draw tile)
iV_MULFLOATMUL is equal to the old (1<<15)

the problem with the terrain renderer/clipping is that it require the
vertices(sx,sy,sz which is relative origin of tile drawing(the top-left tile
position)) to be int,or it will cause serious clipping/z-depth fail problems
if you dont use int,e.g:the terrain rendering after this patch is completely
screwed up when using float terrain vertices.

I can make terrain vertices int again,so it should work properly,but SV_MESH
will not longer 'inherit' from PIEVERTEX,because the vertexPos in SV_MESH
will be a Vector3i instead of a Vector3f due to this change,though such
thing can resolved easily by changing few memcpy's of SV_MESH and PIEVERTEX
to individual member value assignments,imo let SV_MESH 'inherit' from
PIEVERTEX is pointless,since SV_MESH will get stored into a PIEVERTEX and
passed to drawTexTriangle eventually.
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