On Dec 28, 2007 10:53 AM, Gerard Krol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Summary of opinions about replacing the scripting language:
> Ari: Worthwile, python too heavy weight
> Dennis: We should ask Troman
> Troman: Likes the current scripting engine (+ its syntax), does not want
> to sacrifice functionality
> Freddy: We should have an automatic converter, would like a branch
> Kevin: Would like to keep the old scripting language along with the new one.
> I think we should switch to Lua as a scripting language. The switch
> should be 100% so that the old wzscript can retire and we don't need to
> maintain it anymore. I disagree with Kevin on this point. We need an
> automatic converter that can convert all existing scripts. I'll create a
> branch this weekend, and we'll see how it turns out.

Worst-case scenario: It stinks and we delete the branch.  I am
definitely opposed to having two scripting languages around.  The
existing scripting language is a sunk cost, and we need to consider
only what will have the best cost-benefit outcome going forward.

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