Dennis Schridde schreef:
> Am Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2008 18:15:31 schrieb Per Inge Mathisen:
>> On Jan 9, 2008 5:45 PM, Giel van Schijndel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>  * Change the bugtraq:* properties on the entire trunk directory tree to
>>> use as its bugtracker
>> Please don't do stuff like this without discussing it here first.
> Agreed.
> In case we want to keep this, the minimum requirement would be that all Gna 
> bugs are copied to that Trac, so we don't loose anything.
> If we do that, the only thing left on Gna would be a SVN server (where the 
> public one is usualy out of order) and a HTTP fileserver. (Where the SVN 
> server is also already cloned on Mortis.) Well, and this ML, but that is 
> probably minor.
> I doubt that Mortis can handle the load of a full fileserver, though. No idea 
> what would happen if everyone started using its SVN server...
> I think that spreading all that over dozens of places is not a really good 
> idea, so we should decide what to do next.
> Personaly I like using a project-hoster, since they can always watch over it 
> and should have the expertise to maintain it properly and without issues. 
> (I.e. we have to maintain less.)
> On the other hand Gna's public SVN is often down, Trac is nice, Gna's tracker 
> has some limitations, and we could host additional services, like Git.
> Thus I did not decide finally what my opinion is, yet. It is a bit tricky.

Okay, I have indeed done this (i.e. telling GUI SVN clients to use as its issue tracker) in the wrong order. So I'll try to
continue doing it the "right" way.

My proposal is setting up a Trac [1] project environment to use for
tracking Warzone-related bugs/issues/defects, patches, tasks and feature
requests. (The environment itself is set up already, see [2]) Some of
the most important options/features this would offer us are, IMHO,
automatic linking (i.e. through URLs) to revisions, tickets (Trac's name
for a tracker item), wikipages, etc.

Trac allows wikiformatting almost everywhere (commit messages as well),
which I personally think is much more convenient than Gna!'s custom
markup-syntax. Additionally it is possible to actually preview things
before posting them.

Tracking of individual tickets can be done quite effectively as it is
possible to add custom queries to find, group and sort them. These lists
can effectively be embedded in wikipages or defined as custom reports.
Examples of the automatic ticket tracking for individual components can
be found quite easily on TracHacks [3]. See for example the bottom of
the DoxygenPlugin page [4]. I've done something similar for EditWorld on
the Trac environment I've set up [5].

Then there is the ability to manage tickets through commit messages.
This allows one to make Trac automatically add the commit message as a
comment to the mentioned ticket, it optionally allows to close the
tickets with the commit message. This way a tracked bug and its fixing
(or addressing) revisions will automatically be linked together (in both
directions, ticket <--> revision) which allows for easier searching of
them. See [6] for the required formatting in a commit message (can
easily be expanded if necessary).

Then lastly there's the option to make an IRC bot spam messages in
#warzone on ticket creation (and optionally ticket updates) much like
CIA does for commit messages right now. For this I use the IRC Announcer
Plugin [7] for supybot. I've currently set up my bot to be more passive
though. I.e. it allows querying of the Trac environment, just use "list
trac" or "list tracbot" to see the commands it has available. For a more
active example (of a "spamming" bot) see evil_twin in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So please give notice of your opinion, ask any questions, etc. That is
to say, I'd like to hear people's thoughts on this.



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