There is a Leopard compile problem ( in which QuesoGLC fails to link due to the location of some inline function definitions. I came up with a patch that fixes the issue (and submitted it to the QuesoGLC tracker) but I don't know when the problem will be fixed on the official QuesoGLC version.

So that the problem doesn't persist for Leopard users trying to compile the Warzone trunk and/or 2.1 branch, I've modified the Xcode file so that it automatically applies the QuesoGLC patch during compilation. If this solution works for everyone (until QuesoGLC itself is fixed), I've attached both the QuesoGLC and Xcode patches. The script assumes the QuesoGLC patch is located in macosx/Resources/ because I didn't know a better place to put it but the location can easily be changed.


Index: macosx/Warzone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
--- macosx/Warzone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj    (revision 5562)
+++ macosx/Warzone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj    (working copy)
@@ -3171,6 +3171,7 @@
                        buildConfigurationList = 0223BBD30CFE3D5C0056EF85 /* 
Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "QuesoGLC" */;
                        buildPhases = (
                                0223BBDD0CFE3E290056EF85 /* Fetch source */,
+                               22E849A80E2E0E8F002591A4 /* Patch */,
                                02F5CC4F0D148FC30000A2D0 /* Create database.c 
                                0223BBCC0CFE3D5C0056EF85 /* Headers */,
                                0223BBCD0CFE3D5C0056EF85 /* Resources */,
@@ -3741,6 +3742,20 @@
                        shellPath = /bin/sh;
                        shellScript = 
 external\n\nif [ -d \"$OUTDIR\" ]; then\n  echo \"$OUTDIR already exists, 
skipping\"\n  exit 0\nfi\n\nif [ -d \"$DIRECTORY\" ]; then\n  echo \"$DIRECTORY 
exists, probably from an earlier failed run\" >&2\n  exit 1\nfi\n\nif [ ! -r 
\"$FILENAME\" ]; then\n  echo \"Fetching $SOURCE\"\n  if ! curl -L -o 
\"$FILENAME\" \"$SOURCE\"; then\n    echo \"Unable to fetch $SOURCE\" >&2\n    
exit 1\n  fi\nfi\n\nHAVEMD5=`md5 \"$FILENAME\" | sed -n -e 's/^MD5 (\\(.*\\)) = 
\\(.*\\)$/\\2/p'`\n\nif [ -z \"$HAVEMD5\" ]; then\n  echo \"Unable to compute 
md5 for $FILENAME\" >&2\n  exit 1\nfi\n\nif [ \"$HAVEMD5\" != \"$MD5\" ]; 
then\n  echo \"Md5 does not match for $FILENAME\" >&2\n  exit 
1\nfi\n\nEXTENSION=`echo $FILENAME | sed -e 's/^.*\\.\\([^.]*\\)/\\1/'`\n\nif [ 
\"$EXTENSION\" = \"gz\" ]; then\n  if ! tar -zxf \"$FILENAME\"; then\n    echo 
\"Unpacking $FILENAME failed\" >&2\n    exit 1\n  fi\nelif [ \"$EXTENSION\" = 
\"bz2\" ]; then\n  if ! tar -jxf \"$FILENAME\"; then\n    echo \"Unpacking 
$FILENAME failed\" >&2\n    exit 1\n  fi\nelse\n  echo \"Unable to unpack 
$FILENAME\" >&2\n  exit 1\nfi\n\nif [ ! -d \"$DIRECTORY\" ]; then\n  echo 
\"Can't find $DIRECTORY to rename\" >&2\n  exit 1\nfi\n\nmv \"$DIRECTORY\" 
+               22E849A80E2E0E8F002591A4 /* Patch */ = {
+                       isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
+                       buildActionMask = 2147483647;
+                       files = (
+                       );
+                       inputPaths = (
+                       );
+                       name = Patch;
+                       outputPaths = (
+                       );
+                       runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
+                       shellPath = /bin/sh;
+                       shellScript = 
 # Fixes inline function linking error on Leopard systems (bug #11940)\n\nif [ 
! -d \"$GLCDIR\" ]; then\n  echo \"$GLCDIR does not exist. QuesoGLC could not 
be patched.\" >&2\n  exit 1\nfi\n\nif [ ! -e \"$PATCHDIR\"\"$PATCH0\" ]; then\n 
 echo \"$PATCHDIR$PATCH0 does not exist. QuesoGLC could not be patched.\" >&2\n 
 exit 1\nfi\n\n## Patch 0 ##\n\n# Check if the patch already exists in the 
QuesoGLC directory.\n# If so, assume the patch has already been applied.\nif [ 
! -e \"$GLCDIR\"\"$PATCH0\" ]; then\n\n  # Copy patch to QuesoGLC directory\n  
cp -f \"$PATCHDIR\"\"$PATCH0\" \"$GLCDIR\"\n  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then\n    echo 
\"Unable to copy patch $PATCHDIR$PATCH0 to $GLCDIR.\" >&2\n    exit 1\n  fi\n  
\n  cd \"$GLCDIR\"\n  patch -p0 < \"$PATCH0\"\n  \n  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then\n    
echo \"Unable to patch QuesoGLC using $GLCDIR$PATCH0 as the patch command 
returned with an error. $?\" >&2\n    exit 1\n  fi\n  \n  cd -\nfi # ~Patch 
+               };
 /* End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
 /* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */
--- src/ofont.h.orig    2008-06-19 12:00:54.000000000 -0700
+++ src/ofont.h 2008-07-06 15:12:56.000000000 -0700
@@ -54,24 +54,87 @@
                             GLfloat* outVec, __GLCcontext* inContext,
                             GLfloat inScaleX, GLfloat inScaleY);
 #ifndef GLC_FT_CACHE
-inline void* __glcFontOpen(__GLCfont* This, __GLCcontext* inContext);
-inline void __glcFontClose(__GLCfont* This);
+static inline void* __glcFontOpen(__GLCfont* This, __GLCcontext* inContext);
+static inline void __glcFontClose(__GLCfont* This);
 GLboolean __glcFontPrepareGlyph(__GLCfont* This, __GLCcontext* inContext,
                                GLfloat inScaleX, GLfloat inScaleY,
                                GLCulong inGlyphIndex);
-inline GLboolean __glcFontGetBitmapSize(__GLCfont* This, GLint* outWidth,
+static inline GLboolean __glcFontGetBitmapSize(__GLCfont* This, GLint* 
                                        GLint *outHeight, GLint* outBoundingBox,
                                        GLfloat inScaleX, GLfloat inScaleY,
                                        int inFactor, __GLCcontext* inContext);
-inline GLfloat* __glcFontGetMaxMetric(__GLCfont* This, GLfloat* outVec,
+static inline GLfloat* __glcFontGetMaxMetric(__GLCfont* This, GLfloat* outVec,
                                      __GLCcontext* inContext);
-inline GLboolean __glcFontOutlineDecompose(__GLCfont* This,
+static inline GLboolean __glcFontOutlineDecompose(__GLCfont* This,
                                           __GLCrendererData* inData,
                                           __GLCcontext* inContext);
-inline GLboolean __glcFontGetBitmap(__GLCfont* This, GLint inWidth,
+static inline GLboolean __glcFontGetBitmap(__GLCfont* This, GLint inWidth,
                                    GLint inHeight, void* inBuffer,
                                    __GLCcontext* inContext);
-inline GLboolean __glcFontOutlineEmpty(__GLCfont* This,
+static inline GLboolean __glcFontOutlineEmpty(__GLCfont* This,
                                       __GLCcontext* inContext);
+/** Inline function definitions **/
+#ifndef GLC_FT_CACHE
+/* Open the font file */
+static inline void* __glcFontOpen(__GLCfont* This, __GLCcontext* inContext)
+  return __glcFaceDescOpen(This->faceDesc, inContext);
+/* Close the font file */
+static inline void __glcFontClose(__GLCfont* This)
+   __glcFaceDescClose(This->faceDesc);
+/* Get the size of the bitmap in which the glyph will be rendered */
+static inline GLboolean __glcFontGetBitmapSize(__GLCfont* This, GLint* 
+                                       GLint *outHeight, GLint* outBoundingBox,
+                                       GLfloat inScaleX, GLfloat inScaleY,
+                                       int inFactor, __GLCcontext* inContext)
+  return __glcFaceDescGetBitmapSize(This->faceDesc, outWidth, outHeight,
+                                   outBoundingBox, inScaleX, inScaleY,
+                                   inFactor, inContext);
+/* Get the maximum metrics of a face that is the bounding box that encloses
+ * every glyph of the face, and the maximum advance of the face.
+ */
+static inline GLfloat* __glcFontGetMaxMetric(__GLCfont* This, GLfloat* outVec,
+                                     __GLCcontext* inContext)
+  return __glcFaceDescGetMaxMetric(This->faceDesc, outVec, inContext);
+/* Decompose the outline of a glyph */
+static inline GLboolean __glcFontOutlineDecompose(__GLCfont* This,
+                                          __GLCrendererData* inData,
+                                          __GLCcontext* inContext)
+  return __glcFaceDescOutlineDecompose(This->faceDesc, inData, inContext);
+/* Render the glyph in a bitmap */
+static inline GLboolean __glcFontGetBitmap(__GLCfont* This, GLint inWidth,
+                                   GLint inHeight, void* inBuffer,
+                                   __GLCcontext* inContext)
+  return __glcFaceDescGetBitmap(This->faceDesc, inWidth, inHeight, inBuffer,
+                               inContext);
+/* Chek if the outline of the glyph is empty (which means it is a spacing
+ * character).
+ */
+static inline GLboolean __glcFontOutlineEmpty(__GLCfont* This,
+                                      __GLCcontext* inContext)
+  return __glcFaceDescOutlineEmpty(This->faceDesc, inContext);
 #endif /* __glc_ofont_h */
--- src/ofont.c.orig    2008-06-19 12:00:54.000000000 -0700
+++ src/ofont.c 2008-07-06 14:40:23.000000000 -0700
@@ -281,25 +281,6 @@
-#ifndef GLC_FT_CACHE
-/* Open the font file */
-inline void* __glcFontOpen(__GLCfont* This, __GLCcontext* inContext)
-  return __glcFaceDescOpen(This->faceDesc, inContext);
-/* Close the font file */
-inline void __glcFontClose(__GLCfont* This)
-   __glcFaceDescClose(This->faceDesc);
 /* Load a glyph of the current font face and stores the corresponding data in
  * the corresponding face. The size of the glyph is given by inScaleX and
  * inScaleY. 'inGlyphIndex' contains the index of the glyph in the font file.
@@ -318,57 +299,3 @@
   return result;
-/* Get the size of the bitmap in which the glyph will be rendered */
-inline GLboolean __glcFontGetBitmapSize(__GLCfont* This, GLint* outWidth,
-                                       GLint *outHeight, GLint* outBoundingBox,
-                                       GLfloat inScaleX, GLfloat inScaleY,
-                                       int inFactor, __GLCcontext* inContext)
-  return __glcFaceDescGetBitmapSize(This->faceDesc, outWidth, outHeight,
-                                   outBoundingBox, inScaleX, inScaleY,
-                                   inFactor, inContext);
-/* Get the maximum metrics of a face that is the bounding box that encloses
- * every glyph of the face, and the maximum advance of the face.
- */
-inline GLfloat* __glcFontGetMaxMetric(__GLCfont* This, GLfloat* outVec,
-                                     __GLCcontext* inContext)
-  return __glcFaceDescGetMaxMetric(This->faceDesc, outVec, inContext);
-/* Decompose the outline of a glyph */
-inline GLboolean __glcFontOutlineDecompose(__GLCfont* This,
-                                          __GLCrendererData* inData,
-                                          __GLCcontext* inContext)
-  return __glcFaceDescOutlineDecompose(This->faceDesc, inData, inContext);
-/* Render the glyph in a bitmap */
-inline GLboolean __glcFontGetBitmap(__GLCfont* This, GLint inWidth,
-                                   GLint inHeight, void* inBuffer,
-                                   __GLCcontext* inContext)
-  return __glcFaceDescGetBitmap(This->faceDesc, inWidth, inHeight, inBuffer,
-                               inContext);
-/* Chek if the outline of the glyph is empty (which means it is a spacing
- * character).
- */
-inline GLboolean __glcFontOutlineEmpty(__GLCfont* This, __GLCcontext* 
-  return __glcFaceDescOutlineEmpty(This->faceDesc, inContext);
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