Hi there,
here is suggestion for the distribution of Warzone 2100 in future:

 * Minimal installer: Includes only the base files, with the ability to
   download the Music/Mods while installing, containing a guide where
   people can get (URL) the Music and FMV packages and where they have
   to put/copy them to make them work.

 * Full installer: Includes everything, Game, Music, FMVs and a zip file
   which contains the source of the release. (excepting the "/data"
   directory, there should be a small textfile, explaining that the data
   is already delivered in the warzone.wz and mp.wz which are simple zip
   files, so that we don't deliver it twice) The full installer is
   basically for redistribution on game magazines for example.

 * Split the game into 3 packages: "warzone-base.deb",
   "warzone-music.deb", "warzone-fmv.deb" for example. The base package
   should also deliver a shell/python script which can be executed to
   check for & auto download the music.wz and fmv.wz.

Or maybe merge the Music and FMV's into one package.

Best Regards,

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