Yesterday I was adding a page to the trac wiki and I noticed that it was very 
messy; when I asked Zarel about it he told me that we used to have a MediaWiki 
but that it and WordPress was dropped so less software had to be maintained.

So my next question is (Zarel suggested I ask it on the list), why not use the 
Hosted Apps service that SourceForge has?

It would mean that they take care of the upkeep so we would not have to; I set 
up an instance of MediaWiki on my account you can take a look if you like: dak180.

Now, what's the catch you ask?  (No, not ads.) Direct filesystem and database 
access to Hosted Apps is not provided; so i would not recommend putting trac 
there but we might be able to get by with a wiki.

Thoughts, opinions, diatribes?

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