On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 10:10:01AM -0500, Guangcong Luo wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 3:17 AM, Giel van Schijndel <m...@mortis.eu> wrote:
>> Right, lets do that, or until we get there stuff it in functions, e.g.:
>>> int fixed_mul(int a, int b);
>>> int fixed_div(int a, int b);
> Fine by me.
>> Except that '>> fixed_point_bits' and '/ (1 << fixed_point_bits)' are
>> used interchangeably making it a *lot* harder to ignore.  Secondly, even
>> in places where one or the other is used consistently it isn't easy to
>> ignore.
> We could standardize on one or the other? I think "(a * b) [bunch of
> ignorable stuff]" is a bit more readable than "mul(a, b)", especially
> once it starts nesting.

Personally I like the idea of operator overloading (FixedPointInteger
class) even better than either option.  How much source (non-header)
files directly contain fixed point math (those would need to be(come)
C++ for overloading)?

>> Except that we never used floats to store HP, experience or power
>> (and never should use floats for that), so those points are moot.
> 2.3-branch uses floats for experience, iirc, and trunk uses it for
> power as well.
> I made a power queue patch that, among other things, converts power to
> fixed point, but it never got committed (because the "other things" in
> question were pretty controversial).

Ouch, currency-like stuff should indeed be done with fixed point.

>> My argument is about using floats for geometry, that's where floats
>> shine as long as all geometry resides in a limited space.  And
>> currently all our geometry *does* reside in a limited space: the map
>> boundaries.
> I don't mind using floats for pure graphics, but for other geometry, I
> think determinism matters more than variable precision (and by
> "precision" I mean "resolution" not "number of significant figures").

Sorry, what do you mean by resolution?  As the way I interpret it is:
amount of datapoints within the same numerical range, which is the same
as "number of significant figures" combined with an exponent for the

>>> The only advantage of floating point is the ability to store large
>>> values at low precision and small values at high precision in the
>>> same data type, which is pretty much never needed in practice.
>> Actually it stores small and large values at the *same* precision.
>> Which *is* needed in practice, in our case it's needed for rotations
>> (cos/sin).
> Well, it depends on how you define "precision". I was trying to use it
> to mean "resolution" rather than "number of significant figures".
> Resolution makes more sense as a definition in this context, too. It's
> not like you need more "precision" in the top left corner of the map
> than the lower right.

I agree on that.  You want an equal amount (or at least the same
baseline) of precision across a range (our range being from lower-left
to upper-right map corners).

>> Right, and most geometric math (with translations as the *only*
>> exception) involves multiplication and division.
> Moving droids around is a lot of translation. =| Geometry isn't a part
> of the code I touch often, though, so I defer to Per and you.

Right, except that the greatest errors with "moving droids around" are
more likely to be due to a rotation that's slightly off than a
translation that's slightly off.  This is because rotation errors are
magnified when translation occurs.


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