SB 5935 - Enhancing consumer access, affordability, and quality of broadband and advanced telecommunications services.

Sponsors:Sheldon <>,Carlyle <>

The same guys who have pushed every bill that would have government take over the Internet.  This has already passed the Senate and is in the House right now;

SB 5935-S2.E - DIGEST (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 2/14/18) Creates the governor's office on broadband access within the department of commerce, and with the mission of improving economic vitality, health care access, and education through greater access to broadband services. Requires the office to: (1) In collaboration with the utilities and transportation commission, the office of the chief information officer, and the community economic revitalization board, serve as the coordinating body for public and private efforts to ensure statewide broadband access and deployment; (2) Be responsible for all matters regarding the adoption of statewide broadband access and deployment; (3) Establish a competitive grant program to assist qualified local governments and tribes to build infrastructure for open access, high speed broadband services; (4) Study taxes imposed on the capital costs associated with providing retail broadband service, including sales and use taxes; (5) Develop a small cell facility deployment permitting model ordinance for cities and towns; and (6) Consult with cities, counties, and service providers when developing the model ordinance. Authorizes the office to convene an advisory group to: (1) Make recommendations on developing a statewide rural broadband strategy to ensure broadband access statewide by January 1, 2026; and (2) Conduct a gap analysis on the deployment of broadband services in underserved and unserved areas of the state. Creates the broadband access account and requires expenditures from the account to only be used for the expansion of broadband access.


HB 2664 - 2017-18
Extending existing telecommunications authority to all ports in Washington state in order to facilitate public-private partnerships in wholesale telecommunications services and infrastructure. Sponsors:Dye <>,Doglio <>,Jenkin <>,Chapman <>,Vick <>,Stonier <>,Wylie <>,Walsh <>

This has already passed both chambers and the Governor will likely sign it.

Extends, to all ports in the state, the existing telecommunications authority in order to facilitate publicprivate partnerships in wholesale telecommunications services and infrastructure.


HB 2200/HB 1904 - 2017-18
Protecting the privacy and security of internet users.
Sponsors:Hansen <>,Taylor <>,Smith <>,Buys <>,Harmsworth <>,Graves <>,Maycumber <>,Walsh <>,Kraft <>,Haler <>,Condotta <>,Nealey <>,Bergquist <>,Steele <>,Van Werven <>,Stonier <>,Macri <>,Farrell,Cody <>,Slatter <>,Tarleton <>,Senn <>,Kagi <>,Pollet <>,Frame <>,Chapman <>,Dye <>,Hudgins <>,Stanford <>,Reeves <>,Dent <>,Hayes <>,Ryu <>,Peterson <>,Sells <>,Kloba <>,Santos <>,Johnson <>,Fitzgibbon <>,Holy <>,Ormsby <>,Caldier <>,Sawyer <>,Wylie <>,Hargrove <>,Kilduff <>,Blake <>,Orcutt <>,Gregerson <>,Young <>,Appleton <>,Shea <>,Koster,Morris <>,Tharinger <>,Irwin <>,Muri <>,Schmick <>,Volz <>,Goodman <>,Clibborn <>,McCaslin <>,Pellicciotti <>,Doglio <>,Jinkins <>,Dolan <>,Kirby <>,Sullivan <>,Lytton <>,Kretz <>,Riccelli <>,Rodne <>,McBride <>,McCabe <>,Pettigrew <>

This hasn't made it out of committee, it's the bill by Amazon, Microsoft and content providers who want to require that ISP's have to have WRITTEN permission, not just a check box to use their data.  It's just to allow them (content providers) to have all the authority to use and sell customer information.  This one we could still stop.


*SB 6423* Basically a bill that allows the legislature to set pricing that ISP's sell and make service available for.  A dangerous bill, it's stuck in committee and hasn't had a hearing since January 30.


*SB 6446* To try to assure the state can take over the internet they proposed many similar bills, so far Net Neutrality is one of the few to make it out of committee.

NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. (1)(a) A person engaged in the provision 11 of broadband internet access service in Washington state must 12 publicly disclose accurate information regarding the network 13 management practices, performance, and commercial terms of its 14 broadband internet access services sufficient for consumers to make 15 informed choices regarding use of such services, and for content, 16 application, service, and device providers to develop, market, and 17 maintain internet offerings.

This is a dangerous bill if it gains momentum, it's the one that turns ISP's into a utility.


SB 6034 - 2017-18
Authorizing limited retail telecommunications services for public utility districts that provide only sewer, water, and telecommunications on the effective date of this act. Sponsors:Rolfes <>,Sheldon <>,Angel <>,Hunt <>,Chase <>,Kuderer <>,Hasegawa <> Companion Bill:HB 2662 <>

Extending more Retail authority to Government organizations, they're having a great year this year, this one is passed by both houses and headed to the Governor's office.


HB 1938 - 2017-18
Ensuring economic development by authorizing public utility districts to provide retail telecommunications services. Sponsors:Tharinger <>,Walsh <>,Blake <>,Chapman <>,Stanford <> Companion Bill:SB 5139 <>

So again this is redundant of other bills, this must be the new trick of the Legislature, send multiple of the same bill with different numbers hoping we don't catch them all.  Since the bill is passing in another number this one hasn't gone past committee.


       CW 80.36.630

       State universal communications services program—Definitions.
       (Expires July 1, 202) The definitions in this section apply
       throughout this section and RCW80.36.650
       the context clearly requires otherwise.

(a) "Basic residential service" means those services set out in 47 C.F.R. Sec. 54.101(a) (2011) and mandatory extended area service approved by the commission.
(b) "Basic telecommunications services" means the following services:
(i) Single-party service;
(ii) Voice grade access to the public switched network;
(iii) Support for local usage;
(iv) Dual tone multifrequency signaling (touch-tone);
(v) Access to emergency services (911);
(vi) Access to operator services;
(vii) Access to interexchange services;
(viii) Access to directory assistance; and
(ix) Toll limitation services.
(c) "Communications provider" means a provider of communications services that assigns a working telephone number to a final consumer for intrastate wireline or wireless communications services or interconnected voice over internet protocol service, and includes local exchange carriers. (d) "Communications services" includes telecommunications services and /*information services */and any combination thereof.

See that added two words in this RCW.  They just made information services (Title I as the FCC sees us) under the authority of the Washington UTC, WE'RE A UTILITY NOW!

Forbes Mercy
Washington Broadband, Inc.

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