Thanks Ravi & Cynthia. It worked :)


Cynthia Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
This shall work as well:

ie.form(:id,'login_form').text_field(:name, 'u_name').set'user'
ie.form(:id,'login_form').text_field(:name, 'p_word').set'password'

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Tiffany Fodor
Sent: Wednesday, 8 October 2008 8:20 a.m.
To: Watir General
Subject: [wtr-general] Re: How to locate an INPUT element embedeed in a table

Yay!  Nice work Ravi!

On Oct 7, 2:13 pm, Ravi  wrote:
> I found the following working!
> $ie.div(:id,'maincontent').text_field(:name,'u_name').set '1234'
> $ie.div(:id,'maincontent').text_field(:name,'p_word').set '1234'
> On Oct 7, 12:26 pm, Tiffany Fodor  wrote:
> > Hi again!
> > I didn't realize your site was public, so I gave it a shot myself.
> > The username and password on thehttp://www.fotolog.comhomepagework
> > fine, but I'm having the same problem with the password field on 
> > the
> > If you find a way around this, I'd be really excited to learn how 
> > you did it - this problem drove me nuts!
> > -Tiffany
> > On Oct 7, 11:12 am, Natasha Ranney  wrote:
> > > Thanks Tiffany. I will try that out. Just that this is not our code. This 
> > > belongs to Fotolog. But anyways, will surely try out the options 
> > > suggested and revert with my observations.
> > > Regards,
> > > Natasha
> > > Tiffany Fodor  wrote:
> > > Sorry, I should have included this in my original response....
> > > I don't think your problem is related to your object being 
> > > embedded in a table, I think there's a protection on it that 
> > > doesn't allow automated tools to access it.  You can verify this 
> > > by just performing a .exists? on your object to make sure that 
> > > Watir can see that it's there.
> > > Also, if you're not using it already, command-line IRB is a great 
> > > way to troubleshoot working with objects.
> > > -Tiffany
> > > On Oct 7, 11:02 am, Tiffany Fodor  wrote:
> > > > Hi Natasha!
> > > > I've run into the same problem with password confirmation fields 
> > > > when adding a user in an application.  If the field will not 
> > > > accept focus from Watir, you may need to see if you can get your 
> > > > developer to change the properties on it.  I tried everything I 
> > > > could think of and even solicited help from several experts on 
> > > > the list with whom I could share my private URL.  In my case, 
> > > > there was no way around the protection on the field.
> > > > Off the top of my head, the things I tried were:
> > > > - using each property available to identify the field
> > > > - using the field index to identify it
> > > > - using send keys to tab to the field from a known location and 
> > > > type in it
> > > > If none of these work for you, I suggest you work with your 
> > > > developer to get it changed.
> > > > Sorry I couldn't be more help.....
> > > > -Tiffany
> > > > On Oct 7, 10:27 am, Natasha  wrote:
> > > > > Hello All,
> > > > > I am trying to automate Fotolog's login page. Please could you 
> > > > > help me.
> > > > > Following is the snippet of HTML code:
> > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > > -----------------
> > > > >                                 Username:
> > > > >                                  [input]
> > > > >                                 Password:
> > > > >                                  [input]
> > > > > class="btSubmit0">Login
> > > > >                                 Forgot your password?
> > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > > -------------------------------
> > > > > I need to automate the typing in user name and password, 
> > > > > followed by clicking on login button.
> > > > > I have tried following sets of codes, but it didn't work.
> > > > > 1.  Accessing text type fields using aftertext attribute
> > > > > $ie.text_field(:aftertext,/Username:/).set("user1")
> > > > > $ie.text_field(:aftertext,/Password:/).set("pwd1")
> > > > > $ie.button(:text,"Login").click
> > > > > 2. Accessing text fields using name attribute
> > > > > $ie.text_field(:name,"u_name").set("user1")
> > > > > $ie.text_field(:name,"p_word").set("pwd1")
> > > > > $ie.button(:text,"Login").click
> > > > > Am getting following error:
> > > > > ============================================================
> > > > > WIN32OLERuntimeError: focus
> > > > >     OLE error code:800A083E in htmlfile
> > > > >       Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, 
> > > > > not enabled, or o f a type that does not accept the focus.
> > > > >     HRESULT error code:0x80020009
> > > > >       Exception occurred.
> > > > >     c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.5.6/./watir/
> > > > > input_elements.rb:334:in
> > > > > `method_missing'
> > > > >     c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.5.6/./watir/
> > > > > input_elements.rb:334:in
> > > > > `set'
> > > > >     C:/natasha/RubyScripts/FinalAutomatedTests/minicard_fotolog.rb:
> > > > > 54:in `test_a
> > > > > _orderPlacement'
> > > > > ============================================================
> > > > > Thanks and regards,
> > > > > Natasha

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