
Your input type is hidden.
Instead using text_field, use hidden


I hope this helps

* Gustavo Godoy

Fukaya Yoshikazu wrote:
> help me
> How can I access to the following text_field !
> I could not get to it by using
> "ie.text_field(:name,'miseCode').set('1234')"
> Why!
> can't  Watir access to a text_field without 'type=' like this?
> ------------------------------------------
> <TD>title</TD>
> <TD><INPUT maxLength=4 size=6 value=201 name=miseCode> <INPUT maxLength=7 
> size=10 value=167 name=kyakCode> <INPUT type=hidden value=201 name=miseC> 
> <INPUT type=hidden value=167 name=kyakC> </TD></TR></TBODY>
> ------------------------------------------ 
> >

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