Sorry for confusing,

The IE.each was fail , when the IE was called as internet explorer for
since window.path =~ /Internet Explorer/ is not treated the case sentive.

I changed it as (File.basename(window.fullname).downcase =~ /iexplore.exe/
instead of the former. I want to suggest that it be applied for watir
api?and  I am afraid that it have another bad effect that i have not

Both two methods were fail at same times, when you open the ( as an IE alive
instance, which result in the IE.each can 't  work at all.

have some one run into the same issue?


>     def self.each
>       shell ='Shell.Application')
>       shell.Windows.each do |window|
>         next unless (window.path =~ /Internet Explorer/ rescue false)
>         next unless (hwnd = window.hwnd rescue false)
>         ie = IE.bind(window)
>         ie.hwnd = hwnd
>         yield ie
>       end
>     end

2008/10/27 Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Wiston,
> You said the IE.each method was failing in certain circumstances. Can
> you give us more information about the circumstances in which it was
> failing?
> Also in your report you said that you changed window.path (changing the
> case), but the code you provided actually changed to using
> window.fullname. So your explanation does not match the code example you
> provided.
> I would like to understand more about the problem you've been
> researching so we can provide an adequate solution.
> Bret
> bugs apple wrote:
> > Hi,  Bret and all
> >
> > Last week, we found the method Watir::IE.each was not always work
> > normally, sometimes it could enter into the
> > sub routine, sometimes faild.
> >
> > its code list as below in ie.rb
> >
> >     def self.each
> >       shell ='Shell.Application')
> >       shell.Windows.each do |window|
> >         next unless (window.path =~ /Internet Explorer/ rescue false)
> >         next unless (hwnd = window.hwnd rescue false)
> >         ie = IE.bind(window)
> >         ie.hwnd = hwnd
> >         yield ie
> >       end
> >     end
> >
> >
> > After debug every line code, and discovery this code window.path =~
> > /Internet Explorer/ return false, I have to puts the
> > window.path, and obviously it return true when window.path =~
> > /internet Explorer/. there is difference between the Internet and
> > internet.
> > so, we change the code like below in order to make the IE.each method
> > works
> >
> >     def self.eachie
> >       shell ='Shell.Application')
> >       shell.Windows.each do |window|
> >         next unless (File.basename(window.fullname).downcase =~
> > /iexplore/ rescue false)
> >         next unless (hwnd = window.hwnd rescue false)
> >         ie = IE.bind(window)
> >         ie.hwnd = hwnd
> >         yield ie
> >       end
> >     end
> >
> > The question is that I want to consult with you all and hope get your
> > analysis if the modified method cover all IE windows instance, and i
> > can always make the Watir::IE.eachie
> > work, or have any bad effect for others i can't evaluate?
> >
> >

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