Thanks Aidy. Somehow its started working again.
  I took a old version of my working test scripts and merged them. So far so 
good :)

aidy lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Try putting this include in your module

include Test::Unit::Assertions

Bret wrote around this topic some time ago


On 28/11/2008, Natasha wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am unable to call the assert method through a Module.
> I am able to execute the same statement through test function.
> I am going to paste the code of Test function and Module. The assert
> statement executes successfully when called through the test function.
> But fails when its part of a module function. I am invoking the module
> function through the test case function. I tried reinstalling ruby and
> watir. But its still failing. I tried various changes, but nothing
> worked. I tried invoking the assert method from Module function using
> 'Test::Unit::Assertions.assert()'
> I need help here. I have loads of assert statements in my module and
> somehow want to get this working.
> Test Function code:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> require 'watir'
> require 'test/unit'
> module NewTest
> def asserttest
> puts "\n Hello testing assert through module"
> assert(1==1, "false")
> puts 'assert succeeded'
> end
> end
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Module:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> require 'watir'
> require 'test/unit'
> require 'NewTest'
> include NewTest
> class Moduletest < Test::Unit::TestCase
> def test_a_orderPlacement
> puts "\nCalling assert from test function"
> assert(1 ==1,"failed assertion")
> puts "Assert call succeeded\n\n"
> puts "Calling assert method from module method"
> NewTest.asserttest()
> puts "\n Called module method successfully\n\n"
> end
> end
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks,
> Natasha
> >

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