parseexcel is excel parser, use "gem install parseexcel -v 0.5.2" to
install it, it can help you resolve your issue.  I have used this lib
to resolve the keyword driver framework.

Wilson Xu
On Dec 19, 8:08 pm, Maloy KD <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am working for a software company in India. I was working previously
> for a company where I got the spectacular tool “WATiR” I request this
> whole community to give a fair amount of suggestions on this.
> We are planning to prepare a “keyword driven framework” with WATiR. Is
> there any parser which converts the data from an excel sheet (or any
> database) to WATiR commands. In my previous company I have did the
> same using QTP and we have used XML parser for that and made a “KEY
> Please do help me in finding a parser for the same.
> Thank you,
> Maloy
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