what do you use in Firefox for the modaldialogs?

or do you mean regular js pop up boxes?


On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Lisa Crispin <lisa.cris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I hope this isn't too annoying of a question. I'm just trying to decide
> our next steps wrt Watir and our test automation. I just thought I'd double
> check on what I think I know already.
> I spent the last several weeks getting our Watir suites working with v.
> 1.6.2 and Vista. I finally beat them into submission, and I'm exhausted.
> (This is not a reflection on Watir, but probably on the design of our
> scripts, and definitely on my lack of expertise).
> My ultimate goal was to get these scripts working with Firefox also, and I
> had some hope when I first read about 1.6.2 that this would be possible.
> However, I recall that Bret replied to one of my emails relating to dealing
> with modal dialogs this way:
> I'm saying that I do not have a plan on how to support modal dialog
> testing that will work with both IE and Firefox, and as far as I know,
> no one else is working on this.
> I'm wondering if this means we should abandon all hope of ever being able to
> run our scripts against Firefox (which would make them a lot easier to
> integrate with our build process, as well as easier for the developers who
> all use Macs to run them to help with their own testing)?
> The developers could run the scripts on their Parallels or VMWare, but the
> scripts run very slowly there for some reason. Should we be thinking about
> migrating to a different browser driver if we want to have scripts that
> everyone can use to help with testing? We have good tools for our automated
> regression tests, and I guess we could adapt those tests to do the same
> purpose of Watir, it just happened that it was the Watir scripts that got
> all the good flexibility that make them handy for setting up test scenarios.
> Do other people have automated scripts to help with exploratory testing and
> manual testing, and if so, what tools do you use for that? Or are other
> people just luckier and don't have modal dialogs to deal with?
> Thanks,
> Lisa
> >

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