>From your first post, I am not sure how you are trying to use

I assume you are trying to something like what is described on the


I do not know which example you are following.  If you take this one
for example,

require 'watir/contrib/enabled_popup'

def popupChecker(text)
            if ie.enabled_popup
                hwnd = ie.enabled_popup(5)
                w = WinClicker.new
        rescue Timeout::Error
            puts 'No popup existed'

The strange thing to me is that the error you show references a Watir
frame.  A frame would not have an hwnd associated with it directly, so
I am not sure how you even got the error.

I am trying to use the routine above and am finding that there must be
some things on my system that keep it from working all the time.
Sometimes it dismisses the popup and sometimes it doesn't.


On Mar 4, 5:26 am, andrew.d...@lthree.com wrote:
> Its not my code that is throwing the error. Here is the code for
> enabled popup from my watir install. The line generating the error is
> hwnd_modal, arr = GetWindow.call(hwnd, GW_ENABLEDPOPUP) - hwnd is
> undefined.
> module Watir
>   module PageContainer
>     include Win32
>     def enabled_popup(timeout=4)
>       # Use handle of our parent window to see if we have any
> currently
>       # enabled popup.
>       hwnd_modal = 0
>       Waiter.wait_until(timeout) do
>         hwnd_modal, arr = GetWindow.call(hwnd, GW_ENABLEDPOPUP)
>         hwnd_modal > 0
>       end
>       # use hwnd() method to find the IE or Container hwnd (overriden
> by IE)
>       if hwnd_modal == hwnd() || 0 == hwnd_modal
>         hwnd_modal = nil
>       end
>       hwnd_modal
>     end
>   end
> end
> On Mar 3, 1:49 pm, Jim Matthews <jim_m...@swbell.net> wrote:
> > I thought you were having the same problem I am with popups, but I
> > think yours is different at this point.
> > The window handle is going to be on the browser and not a part of the
> > DOM.
> > You have to get the hwnd off the browser and go from there.
> > Jim
> > On Mar 3, 1:16 pm, andrew.d...@lthree.com wrote:
> > > Trying to execute enabled_popup and it is throwing an exception
> > >  undefined local variable or method `hwnd' for #<Watir::Frame:
> > > 0x3d7b4d4>
> > > I checked the source for enabled_popup and it does seem to have an
> > > undeclared variable. Is this working for other people. Working on
> > > latest version of watir.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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