Hi All,

I have one button in my web spplication:

<INPUT class="iceCmdBtn" id="_id129:configchange" onblur="setFocus
('');" onfocus="setFocus(this.id);" onclick="deleteCalled
(form,this,event,'Are you sure you want to restart the Agent? \n \n
Till the time agent restarted, you may not be able to do any other
configuration changes \n \n Press ok to continue , or Cancel to stay
on the current page.');return false;iceSubmit(form,this,event);return
false;" type="submit" name="_id129:configchange" value="Apply" />

When I click on button a Windows Internet Explorer pop up comes. I
have to click on "OK" on that Pop up.

I tried many methods given in Watir tutorials but nothing is working.
Can anyone help me?

Thanks for help.

Lokesh Agrawal

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