Thank you very much to you all for kind reply.

On May 14, 1:38 pm, satish <> wrote:
> No, this does not work either.
> Only thing seems to work is with .value and put some wait command like
> (sleep 3).
> ie.text_field(:id,
> "ctl00_contentChildWindow_secUserDetails_subsecUserInfo_txtPhoneNumber_txtM­­­
> askTextBox_I").value = "12345678901234567890"
> Mask is not working properly with .set
> Thanks
> Satish.
> On May 14, 12:51 pm, sHiVa <> wrote:
> > Dude,
> > Please use this before setting a value in your text field and let me
> > know if any issue.
> > ie.text_field(:id,
> > "ctl00_contentChildWindow_secUserDetails_subsecUserInfo_txtPhoneNumber_txtM­­­
> > askTextBox_I").clear
> > ie.text_field(:id,
> > "ctl00_contentChildWindow_secUserDetails_subsecUserInfo_txtPhoneNumber_txtM­­­
> > askTextBox_I").set
> > ("12345678901234567890")
> > Regards
> > Siva Paneendra Krapa
> > Virtusa- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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