Well personally I like the 01 site a bit better..

 That being said, I did like the 'watir buzz' section on the first
one, and it would be neat to see something like that incorporated into
the 01 page.

The one thing I think needs to be said that isn't on either of those
pages is something about the fact we are language agnostic with regard
to what's actually driving the site.  Watir is for websites developed
with ANY technology.. .net, java, rails, msSQL, MySQL, Postgress, IIS,
Apache.. Watir works with all of them.  It doesn't matter what's going
on at the back end because we interact with the browser and run on the
client, not the server.

I think a very common misnomer is that somehow  Watir == Ruby ==
Rails. and it's only for testing websites made with Ruby.  We need to
dispell that notion right off the bat, so .net and java folks don't
see 'Ruby' up there in the name and go looking for something else.

that being said I think it would also be nice to have links somewhere
to Rspec and Cucumber  as tech we work with, since many folks (myself
included) are using those tools along with Watir. .

On Jun 11, 4:30 am, Alister Scott <alister.sc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have created another watir.com wordpress 
> prototype:http://watir001.wordpress.com/
> Check it out and let me know whether you prefer this 
> orhttp://watirweb.wordpress.com/
> Cheers,
> Alister
> On Jun 11, 6:31 pm, Alister Scott <alister.sc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I haven't exactly decided to move forward with the wordpress idea, it
> > still doesn't address the problem of having information on multiple
> > sites.
> > I don't believe we should separate wiki and issues/bugs, as if we
> > continue to use Confluence/JIRA, there are good ways to display JIRA
> > data in Confluence, which would be more difficult if say we used
> > Confluence and GitHub for issues/bugs.
> > Are we happy to stick with using Confluence and JIRA on openqa.org for
> > the time being?
> > Cheers,
> > Alister
> > On Jun 11, 1:58 am, Bret Pettichord <b...@pettichord.com> wrote:
> > > So it sounds like you've decided to move forward with the wordpress
> > > idea. Do you need help with this?
> > > Bret
> > > Alister Scott wrote:
> > > > FYI:
> > > > The InfraRecorder open source project used wordpress to store home
> > > > page and info, and then links to other sites including the downloads
> > > > on sourceforge.
> > > >http://infrarecorder.org/
> > > --
> > > Bret Pettichord
> > > Lead Developer, Watir,www.watir.com
> > > Blog,www.io.com/~wazmo/blog
> > > Twitter,www.twitter.com/bpettichord- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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