Hi Germo,

If we are collecting all the links of a web page and navigating to
each link via click, don't you think you are sending http request
twice ? (via click and http.request_get)
Instead cannot we figure out page is broken or not without sending the
extra request? (dont want to verify "page not found" browser title)

On May 21, 9:44 am, Paul Denize <paul.den...@datacom.co.nz> wrote:
> Thanks for all the replys.
> At first I was quite excited then realized they would make additional
> calls - the cookies, session, conversation elements would all be a
> nightmare.  Not to mention that the load balancer may give valid
> results sometimes and invalid the next (say if one server is bad).
> The reason I do this is becase I do not treat Watir as a tool to test
> with but a Frameword in which to build test tools.
> When someone in my tool says goto I get water to go to the page, time
> the response, do a screenshot, spellcheck, send the page for html
> validation, store a summary of the elements and html, and if requested
> simulate a printer view of the page, etc.
> All somewhat a waste of time if the page is a 500 error.  And I do not
> know what the user is going to verify next, all they said was goto....
> I do think I have openssl in the set of tools my workbench
> installs ... could this be elaborate on as a solution?
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