Hey Srikanth

That actually worked... :) thanks but the problem still remains. I believe
there is some event which is getting fired, coz the desired results are not
being produced somehow.

Any idea? if thats the case, or something else could be the reason?



On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 11:16 AM, srikanth gudikadi <
sreekanth.gudik...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi pallavi,
> This is srikanth from ACTi, pune,
> try this one to click on calendar event date.
> browser.div(:class, "calendar").cell(:text,"26").fire_event("ondblclick")
> and also try the below to fetching data.
>  days = browser.table(:class, "paramlist admintable").row(:text, "Display
> Events the of the next ? days(modes 2 or 3 only)").cell(:class,
> "paramlist_value").text_field(:id, "paramsmodlatest_Days").value
>  daysno = days.to_s.to_i
>   puts"Super can manage calendar config = #{daysno}"
> thnx
> Srik
> On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Pallavi Sharma 
> <write2pall...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have a problem and need some help for the same.
>> I have a scenario in which a div tag contains a table and in which a
>> calendar appears. Attached is the screen shot for the same.
>> Now when we click normally on any date of the Calendar, the date gets
>> highlighted but when i am trying to do the same using the watir script, it
>> doesn't work. I dont understand the reason for the same.
>> Can anyone here please help? Is it a third party control? Am i doing
>> something wrong here.
>> I can fetch the innerhtml , the text of cell but just cannot click on it.
>> The script executes without any results?
>> What to do??? Asked the developers, there is no event lurking behind.
>> Thanks
>> Pallavi.
> >

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