Hi Everyone
I found this link:

reporting JS error, has anyone here tried this.

Also please let me know if the alert message for JS in the browser is off,
is there a way i can still detect the error in the browsers?

Please let me know.



On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 1:51 AM, Alan Baird <aba...@bairdsnet.net> wrote:

> Jarmo -
> I would be interested in seeing an example of your Formatter.  I know there
> is one already out there from the RSpec team, but if you have something
> different and the time I think it would make a great blog post or addition
> to the wiki.
> Alan
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 4:44 AM, Jarmo Pertman <jarm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> We are using RSpec to run our tests (http://rspec.info) and I've
>> created my own HTMLFormatter class which extends their
>> Spec::Runner::Formatter::HtmlFormatte and then using
>> #extra_failure_content method, which will be invoked if some test
>> fails by RSpec itself. So, if test fails, I'm also checking if page
>> had any JS errors and then make a screenshot of it. Otherwise (if test
>> passes) JS errors will be ignored.
>> Jarmo
>> On Oct 16, 5:30 am, dt_nz <david.tay...@sungard.com> wrote:
>> > Hi
>> > To capture a java script error, how do you call theses methods.  Do
>> > you have a separate thread that is always running
>> > save_javascript_error in a loop, or is save_javascript_error called
>> > after each action on a page?
>> >
>> > We have an existing framework that runs a lot of tests in our
>> > regression runs and am ideally looking for a solution to incorporate
>> > it into our existing structure.
> >

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