Hi, I'm new to Watir - so far I've been enjoying it. I've mostly been
developing on safariwatir, but I'd like to use firewatir as well (and
eventually ie, too).

But trying to drive firefox has been a bit of a pain. On the
particular webpage I'm testing, it uses a lot of javascript, so
firefox doesn't seem to recognize that the page has already loaded and
it can continue. So it just sits and does nothing until it times out,
then firewatir will click on the next link - again, having to wait
until the timeout.

Is there any way to totally bypass the waiting for page to load on
firewatir?  It doesn't seem to be working very well with my situation.
Whereas safariwatir does work pretty well.  Unfortunately, safari
doesn't support nearly the amount of methods as firewatir does.

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