The simple solution with a link back to the original Google Code issue
sounds OK to me.

We can keep the Google Code issues available for as long as we want. I
can't see a way to make the Google Code issues read-only but it should
be easy enough to communicate that new comments and new issues should
happen in Jira. A few of us can keep an eye on any changes to the old
issue tracker and remind folks to use Jira.


On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 1:32 AM, Michael MacFadden
<> wrote:
> All,
> To summarize the situation with Jira...
> Currently all of our issues exist in Google Code's issue tracker.  We need to 
> export these and import them into Jira.  There are two main challenges to 
> this:
> 1) Exporting the Issues
> There is no out of the box way to export all of the content out of the Google 
> Code issue tracker (including everything from comments to attachments, etc).  
> James has built a script  (linked below) that is a good start, but dosn't as 
> of yet grab the comments.
> Current export 
> script
> 2) Importing the Issues
> Jira support importing a CSV file, but this mechanism is very limited and 
> doesn't support comments either.  Tad has pointed out that we can use a Jelly 
> Script to create these issues.  I am not really familiar with writing Jelly 
> Scripts in Jira.  The other issue is that I believe you have to be a full 
> Jira admin to use either the Jelly Script or CSV import, so we will have to 
> coordinate with Infra either way.
> The easiest thing to do would be to do a simple CSV export from google code 
> and a simple CSV import into Jira.  We would loose the comments on the 
> issues, but this could be done in a hour or two.  I am not sure if it is 
> worth spending days or weeks to preserve the comments.  We might be able to 
> put a link in the newly created Jira issue pointing back to the original 
> Google Code issue to link to where the comments are.  Personally, I am 
> leaning towards this approach.  Not ideal, but this has been kicking around 
> for weeks.  It might be better to just take the hit and move on.
> Thoughts?
> ~Michael

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