+1 to all that.
I think some basic guides online to "getting it working enough to get
started coding" would help a lot. (and client coding specifically for us

After the basics are written, and I myself use them to get myself started,
I could tidy them up/flesh them out a bit.
I wouldn't want anyone with the knowledge already to have to waste too much
time writing nice looking guides.
I daresay theres a lot more people out there able to help with the
"non-coding" (or "light-coding") tasks like documentation then there is
with the server-side knowledge.

Thomas & Bertines online review show:
Try it! You might even feel ambivalent about it :)

On 29 November 2013 15:14, Jon wright <jon.wright1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > So, it appears that I could do with running some 'tutoring' sessions
> > with people to cover
> > a) Running a server
> > b) Advanced server admin: a) SSL, b) Federation
> > c) Codebase overview - with a focus on the client side for all the GWT
> > coders around.
> >
> > Ali
> That would be really useful and welcome. And even though its not
> writing code its probably more of a contribution to the project
> because thats what it needs the most.
> > (Hop on to wave-dev.alown.co.uk and we can discuss this... :p)
> I cant right now because I'm in the office working. But I would say it
> would be worth while picking a time in the future where a number of us
> can go through the steps involved together. Then as other people get
> familiar with how things work, they can do the same.
> Good suggestion..!

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