HI pals & Gals,
   During these rocky times in the world I do rely on my mayberry moments to 
see me through.....
  I wore my Andy Griffith show shirt to work the other day and a friend of mine 
who works in shoes...asked "is that a coincidence?"
  I said "what?" He said" your shirt" I said "no way man... that is my favorite 
show and I am a member of the fan club. It's an on line thing and it is BIG 
REALLY BIG"  he smiled and said that was one of my favorite shows too.
  Then another friend of ours came in and asked...Where should I spend my 35Th 
wedding anniversary?" I said " well, there is only one place....MAY BERRY DAYS 
in Sept and I'd be proud to go with ..your treat of course." He smiled and said 
he'd think on it a spell..
  The lady at work who never liked me when she was teaching at our high school 
I said something may berry-like to her.."hey, How longs it been since your 
husband passed?'
  THEN TODAY at the bloodmobile...I brought my portable DVD player with TAGS 
playing a dorky guy said "what are you watching sponge bob square pants? I 
said"man, that is your choice of TV and your level dude...Mine is TAGS 
-always."' ( then i heard a guy say Amen to that sister)
  Peace out brothers & sisters 
  Erin, mayberry's midwest mocha momma

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