I just got the DVD's of Centennial (the mini series) this weekend and have
had a watching festival. (its 6 dvds rougly 3.5 hrs per disc) I remember
watching this on TV when it was first aired.  While I remembered Andy
Griffith having a small part at the end of the last episode I didn't
remember James Best in it. He has a small part as a helicopter pilot who is
at a trial of another character in the last episode also. For those not
familiar with this show it is about a fictional town in Colorado and covers
from the early 1700's (which is before the town even exists) up to the
1970's. The book, which I picked up many years later in a half price book
store, is much greater in detail and covers the history of the area from
pretty much the beginning of time up to the 1970's. The very beginning is
the best part with the story of the lives of Trappers Pasquinel and McKeag.
By the time you get to the end and are seeing the great grandchildren (and
beyond) of the original characters it is easy to get lost about who is a
decendent of who.  Overall a great story tho. 

Dapper Dan
Make sure your buffalo is facing the right way on your nickles. 

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