I don't recall any documentation that Chesterfield or any other cigarette  
maker ever sponsored or co-sponsored "The Andy Griffith Show."  The main  
sponsor was always General Foods, which advertised Post Cereals, Sanka, Jell-O 
 and Jell-O puddings, SOS pads (now owned by Clorox), Gaines Burgers and 
Gaines  Dog Food, Log Cabin syrup, Cool Whip, Shake and Bake and other  
products.  The only non-General Foods advertising I can document is in the  
finale, when Bristol Myers co-sponsored the show and used it to advertise  
Bufferin pain reliever.  
A cigarette maker *did* co-sponsor "Mayberry R.F.D." as I've seen copies of 
 the show with original commercials for Virginia Slims (very first episode) 
and  Marlboro.  And there were other wholesome family shows of the period 
that  had tobacco sponsors (Make Room For Daddy, The Flintstones, The Dick 
Van Dyke  Show, The Beverly Hillbillies, Family Affair).  So it's not outside  
the realm of possibility.  I just have never documented that it ever  
happened on "The Andy Griffith Show."  I would love to know for  sure otherwise.
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