>>>If someone in Mayberry were to make a "Reality" show who would it be and 
>>>what kind of show would they do....?<<<

Vic, that is a thought-provoking question.  I think the obvious answer is a 
"Cops"-style show featuring Andy and Barney and their day-to-day work upholding 
law and order in Mayberry, facing and overcoming various life-threatening 
situations.  The title could be "Mayberry--Gateway to Danger!"  There would be 
lots of excitement and tension as the cameras follow Barney bringing in Mrs. 
Kelsey's laundry from the clothesline and swearing Leon to secrecy as he 
borrows one of her dresses.  They could record Andy and Barney, along with Aunt 
Bee, as they attempt to collect all the offending newspapers that Opie and 
Howie passed out before townsfolk have a chance to read them.  The cameras 
could show both men as they frantically search the dump for Barney's chain 
letter, and then follow them as they deliver soup to Emma Brand's house ("poor 
old soul!").  Oh, and they could devote a whole episode to Barney's 
supernatural dealings with the Count.  And there would certainly be lots of 
excitement as Barney tries to finally close the case of the punch in the nose.

Of course, there are many other possibilities.  What about a show called 
"Grease Monkey--The Life and Times of a Garage Mechanic"?  We could see Goober 
repairing a tire (there's quite a lot of suspense when he plunges the inner 
tube in water and searches for the tell-tale air bubbles) and watch as he talks 
to Lydia Crosswaithe about her bad tires and oil problem.  We could also see 
him fix the carburetor in the squad car--putting it in, taking it out, etc.  
But the highlight would be an episode devoted to Goober taking apart Gilly 
Walker's car and putting it together again ("It was a beautiful thing!").  Yes, 
I think there is definite potential there.

As far as I'm concerned, Mayberry's "reality" is sure preferable to what passes 
for entertainment these days.

"Where the living is easy and slow."

Thelma Lou
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