I am not so sure that Peggy and Andy and Peggy would have made such a good
match.  She is rich and Andy is poor.  Milk and vinegar don't mix, you
can't make a silk hanky our of a sow's nose.  From the very time they are
born with that gold tooth in their mouth they are different.  They even go
to Norway to a refinishing school and start hobnobbing with guys with names
like Ole and Sven, and then they come home and they are different.  They
start eating fancy foods like lutefisk.  I bet Andy has never tasted
lutefisk.  I have to admit though that miss Peggy is a really beauty and
the the voice of an angel, but that slight overbite might be a drawback
too.  Even though she loved to go fishing with Andy and Opie she really
couldn't even look a worm straight in the eye without saying "ich".  So I
am sticking with Helen.  We found out in Mayberry RFD that she and Andy had
a beautiful baby that ended up with three Godfathers.  So all in all I
think things worked out well.  Besides I think Miss Peggy was just a
slightly bit too good to be true.  Remember Samantha Stevens.  She had a
lot of the same qualities that Peggy has and it ended up there was some
witchery in her family.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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