If one was to dig deep enough I bet there are Biblical foundations for most of 
them.....Patty Haley

Yes, Patty you are right. I am a retired Pastor turned Stand up 
comedian..Several times I applied
mayberry people or happenings to my messages from the Pulpit...The one I 
Preached the most 
"Our Purpose For Living"..comparing Barney Fife to Solomon..Just read the short 
book of Ecclesiastes
and see how how much Solomon wanted to succeed at whatever he did and think of 
Barney. All the 
things he tried with so much desire to succeed, being a deputy, his romances, 
salesman ship, and many 
areas, just like Solomon kept trying to succeed. Today I watch TAGS and Gomer 
Pyle U.S.M.C. and 
glean ideas for an occasional joke and apply it to some make believe 
person...TAGS was a very special
show...more so than even we can comprehend...There is so much that can be 
applied even today to any
number of situations and I think that has something to do with it's popularity. 

I don't have a favorite phrase that I use but my favorite line from an actor in 
TAGS came from Opie.

"If honesty is such a good policy why am I out a cap pistol..."

Vic friskey
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