
Your site is in a table of width 906, that is why it will not fit at lower
resolutions of if the browser window is not maximized.

The photograph you are using is 496 pixels wide. The logo is another 310
pixels. Together, they will add up to more than an 800 by 60 resolution can

If I were you, I would make both the photo and the logo somewhat smaller.
Take the sandbag background graphic, and set it in your stylesheet as a
background for the table. You should be able to use a very small section of
it to give the unbroken effect. Also, you can set you table width to be a
percentage instead of absolute - this way, your table will adjust to
different screen resolution.

You can also use divs for the layout, instead of tables, but if the clients
are still using Netscape 4.7 as their browser, it is safer to stick with

Rudy has a good article about liquid tables:
and here is a tutorial on creating liquid table layouts:

Hope this helps,


                      "Gerrie Warner"                                                  
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
                      se>                      cc:                                     
                                               Subject:  [wdvltalk] monitors sizing?   
                      04/03/2003 03:55                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                

a client is giving me some greif conserning this site since it doesn't work fit into 800 x monitors or
(his - and don't ask me why!) 1024 monitor adjusted to 840 - He says a
compeditors site doesn't give him this problem. What is a solution?


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