I second that.  Also try http://www.positioniseverything.net. Nice
explanations of other browser "features".

-----Original Message-----
From: rudy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 9:16 PM
Subject: [wdvltalk] Re: Style Sheets

> A thousand apologies oh king of css from this humble css_idiot.

don't be so hard on yourself

and thanks for the kind words, but i am hardly a king of css

have you seen my site(s)?   http://rudy.ca/   http://r937.com/

i say "site(s)" because of course they're the same site, just two completely
different urls, with two (almost) completely different sets of content

but the css structure is basically the same across both sites, and lemme
tellya, it's a really simple approach

you will not catch me using a css hack and i doubt you ever will

   see http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=CssHacks

the real css kings know all the hacks, and i don't

of course, i feel somewhat smug about that, because the reason they use
hacks is to achieve "the same result" in all browsers, which of course is a
ludicrous objective, at least to me

if you have not yet gone through the entire css wiki, i encourage you to do
so -- make the time, it will be worth your while


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