Thanks for the info. I can't believe that I have over 100 emails to view today, all valid. I'll probably spend the entire day on it. I am interested in total fluid design sans table, and will experiment with it, hopefully, today.


Trusz, Andrew wrote:
Jan, while you're experimenting, try a totally fluid design sans table.

.left{float:left; width:32%;}
<div class="left">stuff</div>
<div class="left">stuff</div>
<div class="left">stuff</div>
<div class="next"></div>

That will give you 3 columns with a little extra to handle cross-browser
width calculation problems. Be sure to clear or you get really interesting
results when the browser tries to cram the next box in the 1% left over.

Or a more complex design:

        .nav{float:left; width:22%;}
        .main{float:left; width:77%;}
        .dual{float:left; width:48%;}

        <div class="nav">navigation</div>
        <div class="main">Introduction
                <div class="dual">Left column</div>
                <div class="dual">Right column</div>
        <div class="next"></div>

With current browsers (post 4x) you can actually combine classes which makes
the css even more flexible. Although this does tend to annoy some people.

When using tables in css, read the Table chapter closely. The rules are
different for table markup.


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