While you can't assign print margins in your print stylesheet remember that
you can change unit measurements. I've been known to us pts and inches in
the print stylesheet instead of the ems I use in the screen stylesheet. That
way I know it will fit on standard US paper size. If I were expecting
Europeans or other countries that use different measurements might use cm
instead of inch for width settings. 

Cheryl D. Wise
Certified Professional Web Developer
713.353.0139 Office

-----Original Message-----
From: Bj 

> I had used a "print" style sheet already but I still couldn't get it 
> to fit the page... Then I was messing around with it tonight & went 
> into the settings of the printer and reduced the left & right borders 
> to the minimal allowed and it fits!!

I guess the issue here is, that while you do have a solution that works for
your particular case, it would not be acceptable if you were trying to make
sure that others could print the page without having to tinker with their
printer settings, in which case I guess I'd ask myself how I could design
the page a little differently another time to let it resize gracefully to
fit a smaller layout.  This would not only make printing simpler but let the
page work without scrolling in lower screen resolutions or non-full-screen

Still there are times you just have to design for a certain size and accept
this may be less than ideal for any but the target viewer, and if you're
designing to the specific needs of this client this is probably one of them

Hope Santa Claus brought you something to make up for all this hard work.

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