Can't speak for Rudi but what I do is make sure it looks okay w/o scrollbars
at 800x600 and liquid so it will flow for larger ones.  

Cheryl D. Wise
Certified Professional Web Developer
713.353.0139 Office

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Macdonald-Wallace

> if you make the assumption that users are perfectly happy to maximize 
> their browser windows to avoid scrolling horizontally on your site, 
> then yeah, go right ahead, make them maximize their browser windows
> can you tell how i feel about that?  ;o)

ummm, over joyed? :p

OK, so what resolution do you design for Rudy? I'm now intrigued.  If you
don't design for 800x600 or 1024x768, and you don't like scroll
bars/maximising windows, I'm dying to know how you design sites that avoid
all of this!

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