----- Original Message -----
From: "Anitha Paruchuri"

> I am trying to check the length of the password entered
> by the user using strlen($password). It works fine when
> say I enter a password as 'abc123' but if I entered
> '123abc' it somehow doesn't work fine. Am I missing
> something here?

Either string should be treated the same - try putting in the code:

print "Length of abc123: <?=strlen("abc123")?><br>";

...then the same for 123abc, and you should see them both print on the page
as 6.  If you are getting a different result when dealing with form fields,
then something is going wrong in the process.

First try using $HTTP_POST_VARS["password"] instead of $password, to make
sure you are actually looking at the value passed from the form.


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