http://coolhomepages.com/  is a fun site to visit for ideas.  Also, have you 
thought of using div layers?  You can still use your sliced creative images in 
a table, just "wrap" the sliced-images-table inside a div layer and use 
z-index to paste it 'behind' other layers.  Then, utilize other layers with a 
higher-numbered z-index, so their images or text are in the forefront.  You can use 
absolute positioning to make those layers stick to the same coordinate spots 
every time the page is loaded.   In that fashion, you might have a patterned 
background image, say a circle, or oval, in the background layer, and then 
paste text navigation links 'around' the edges of the circle using css absolute 
positioning.    This offers you a bit more variety than a 'boxy' look via use of 

Hope this helps, 


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