----- Original Message ----- 
From: "rudy"

> and why would you need to virus scan reputable software?

Because there have been occasions when very reputable software has been
released on official CD and found to have been sent out with a virus
infection.  Ok, I don't recall this having happened very recently, but that
just means it's overdue to happen again!  Here are some Googled examples
from a few years back:

"A Japanese-language version of a Sega Dreamcast role-playing game has
become infected with a computer virus. The game, Atelier Marie, includes a
screensaver which is infected with the highly damaging Kriz virus. Although
the Dreamcast itself is left unscathed by this, anyone loading the
screensaver onto their PC from the game's CD-ROM will be in for an
unpleasant surprise, when the virus activates on Christmas Day." (The
Reguster, 2001)

"A red-faced Corel has confirmed that a number of its recently released
CorelDRAW 8.0 for Macintosh CD-ROMs also contained a virus." (1998)

"We have received notice from the UK publication "Virus Bulletin" and a
number of independent reports that the UK publication "PC Gamer" included a
cover CD with files infected by the Win95/Marburg virus....The
"smackplw.exe" infected file will get executed if you watch any of the
movies on the CD "  (1998)

"The free Vellum 3D version 3.0 CD-ROM contains the Macintosh MBDF virus.
...Anyone running the Macintosh demo program who does not have a resident
antivirus scanner will be infected with the virus." (CIAC, 1997)

"We have come across another Microsoft CD ROM containing Concept, a MSWord
macro virus.  The CD ROM is called "The Microsoft Office 95 and Windows 95
Business Guide". (S&S, 1995)

"In 1995, the first Word macro virus -- now called Concept -- was massively
distributed by Microsoft on a CD-ROM called Microsoft Windows 95 Software
Compatibility Test. The shipment went to hundreds of companies in August
1995. [1] Microsoft helpfully refused to acknowledge the severity of the
problem for a few weeks. When it finally did, it named the virus "Prank" as
spin control.  Partly as a consequence of this release and another around
the same time in which 5,500 more infected CD-ROMs were distributed by a
different company generating support software for Microsoft Windows NT, the
Concept virus is now very common "in the wild."
Much more recently, Microsoft has distributed a word macro virus known as
"Wazzu" multiple times. In September of last year, an edition of Microsoft's
The Microsoft SPCD [Solution Provider CD] was distributed containing a Wazzu
virus infected document. The CD was distributed to all Microsoft Solution
Providers...One month later, Microsoft distributed Wazzu again, this time in
Switzerland at ORBIT, an information technology exhibition. This sample of
Wazzu was carried on a CD-ROM called "Letz Fetz on the Netz" and was in a
document containing hot-line phone numbers for Microsoft Germany. Although
Microsoft officials were informed of the contamination, the CD was
distributed anyway. The Wazzu infected document was also downloadable from
Microsoft's Swiss Website for a period of five days." (1997)

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