Like Sheila it is on my "to do" list. I was in Seattle at the Microsoft MVP
Summit last week and returned home just in time for Easter weekend. I still
haven't caught up with everything. Just returned from my brother's house
where we had a family dinner. Leaving again on Tuesday for California to
visit my dad and a few clients. Which means my husband/partner get to deal
with the tax issue while I'm gone.

I will look at it but it may still be another day or two.

Cheryl D. Wise
Certified Professional Web Developer
713.353.0139 Office

-----Original Message-----
From: Sheila Fenelon 

I'm here. It's Day Three of a four day weekend for my kids from school. 
I want to review your sql course but have been waiting for a quiet moment.
Difficult with three boys in the house (and occasionally some of their
friends). It's been raining so I can't just toss them all outside. 
Also, being in the US my taxes are due on April 15th. I need quiet time if I
am to avoid mistakes. I'm afraid you have to wait in line behind Uncle Sam.

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