I don't worry about older browsers per se, but like Rudy it's the @import
trick I use to keep the design work hidden from horrors like Netscape 4.7
(and I'm most pleased of myself I've not used a single CSS hack in about a
year now). I've never understood the mentality to do browser sniffs or
deliver different content to different browsers - if you do your job
properly you shouldn't need to, even with the plethora of bugs, quirks and
inconsistencies we see in all the browsers out there (although I'd love to
see IE dead or Microsoft get their asses in gear, read the specs and stop
acting like children - although we would need to see the end of the
Compuserve "PNG will kill GIF - please keep it alive for us" backhander
conspiracy to do it properly).

As to Netscape 4.7 being dead? We're never going to be that fortunate and
forget about the lil sucker completely, but there's plenty you can do CSS
trickery-wise to stop it from fouling up our work.

> When IE does eventually get officially abandoned by Microsoft...

I doubt this will ever happen, although it's probably for reasons of mad
conspiracy on my part!! However awful it may be for us professionals to code
for, or more accurately how easy it is to code for but it's insanely
inaccurate forgivings make it difficult to code cross-platform *correctly*,
it's still, IMO, the easiest browser for Joe Soap public to use, requires no
pratting about installing (it's available straight out of the box to the
majority of computer owners in the world - boy I wish new computer users
would by a Mac once in a while!) and while it holds the biggest market
share, it can serve to allow Microsoft to dictate the direction if Web
development and sway the standards should they so choose.

How long can W3C hold out saying "but Mr. Gates, the browser that has
90,000% market share does things wrong"? I can honestly see the day coming
when IE7 still refuses to implement standards correctly or completely and
W3C buckle under the pressure and re-write things to accomodate Microsoft's
steadfast reluctance to do things correctly. Either that or be made to look
foolish and a waste of time.

What about PNG? Surely to god IE can use PNG transparency natively by now?
Of course it can't (note: anybody know if IE7 can do it?) because if it
could there would be no reason to use the GIF format any more (OK, I still
find even PNG-8 to be a little weighty compared to GIF but with broadband
connections becoming more commonplace throughout the world it's not going to
be an issue for much longer). And with no reason to use GIF, it's possible
that the *creation* of such images will no longer be supported by the
graphics packages out there. In short: Compuserve don't get their royalties
no more, and that's an awful lot of money. Can anybody see a little
backhander from Compuserve to Microsoft here? If the most proliferent
browser still makes the use of GIF-killer more hassle than it's worth then
there's every reason to keep GIF alive.

And before Microsoft lawyers start banging my door down after illegally
reading this e-mail, I would like to point out that these are my own
thoughts and opinions - I make no claims of their accuracy (although how
much does Free Speech cost these days?), but if you get riled about it maybe
I touched a nerve there, eh?

Just realised the time - I think I better get back to work!

who's off to take his paranoia medication now :D

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