I've used that to recover some critical data before. It was a major pain but
it did get the file I needed. I don't know how well it would work for
recovering an entire drive.

I have seen utilities that would repair a master boot record without killing
the disk but I haven't need one in so long that I haven't a clue what the
one I used in the Windows 98 days was called.

There used to be a program called "partition magic" that would let you
resize a partition without damaging the data then format and install the OS
just on part of the drive.

I wonder if Paragon's hard disk manager would do any good since you can boot
off of a cd with it then work on the disk separately

Cheryl D. Wise
Certified Professional Web Developer
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Office: 713-353-0139 

-----Original Messa

Thank you!  I woulds love to try that utility.  It makes sense that it has a
chance of working!


Ross Clutterbuck wrote:

> Diane:
> Sounds like the File Allocation Table might have gone the way of the 
> Dodo but for the life of me I can't remember if it's possible to 
> rebuild a FAT without killing the data.
> One thing I would suggest is try booting into pure DOS and see if you 
> can read off the disk. I have a utility here called NTFSDOS which 
> allows the reading of NTFS drives within DOS. I can e-mail it to you 
> off list if you wish and see if you have any joy accessing the drive.
> I'll have a looksie around and let you know if I can think of anything.

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