Thanks, Ross

If this is being called by clicking on a link, is it a popup window? Would a popup blocker block it, and if so, would it display an empty window? Also, all the pages on the site are scripted. I agree it can't be the code, but I don't know what it CAN be.

I have a table of information that's displayed. One field can be too long, and my client wants me to replace it with a link to a smaller pop-up like window that contains the data.

After reading your post, I tried making it a simple link. This should have need obvious to me from the beginning, just pass the data as a query string. I don't know how to resize the window though. One of the html sites I Googled says it can't be done in a function called via onload. I tried it and the onload function fires just fine *unless* I add code to resize the window. I've tried window.resizeTo and self.resizeTo, both stop the function from firing.

So I went back to what I originally had, only I changed it to this:
<a href="#" onclick="javascript: newwindow = open('info.asp?c=testing>', 'info', 'height=200, width=200, scrollbars=yes');">see info</a>

The line is now totally ignored, no window is displayed.

Any ideas on how to resize the current window as it loads?

Ross Clutterbuck wrote:

Alternatively, you could always rejig things so your code actually runs inside the new window and resizes it onLoad, then specify a new window as the target of your link. That was you'll get a pop-up window when you click the link then the script will resize that new window. If scripting is disabled you'll still get your pop-up window just not to the correct size.


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