Nothing so sophisticated MOU. But I currently have two domains on one server, and am contemplating some 'this way to the domain I want you to look at' ones. If something will actually work the way I want it I do have ideas that might merit a dedicated server though. (Or would I need just a 'virtual' server?)

So far they've given me a lot of help beyond the call of their duty and have worked with me to solve things that proved not their fault! Whose fault it might have been I have no idea, of course ;-).



I'd get it in writing/e-mail that you own the license before you purchase the software and begin the contract, then make the request for media at the very latest when you issue the month's termination notice.

It'd be better to leave the discs with them until you terminate the contract in case they need them, but if you know for sure you're shutting down then request them.

I take it you have a dedicated server with them then ;)


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