The occasional tweak, fix or minor update is one thing on a live server.
Everyone has probably done that on occasion but not full fledged major

Re the different public_html for each person, think of them as virtual

Cheryl D Wise
MS MVP FrontPage
Online instructor led training

-----Original Message-----
From: Furry, Tim 

Cheryl wrote:
Working on live sites? Are they crazy?

I will not comment on "them"; however, from my past experience, I can
tell you that there have been *many* times I've used Notepad or another
text editor to tweak/fix a live site, at more than one employer (in some
cases, twiddling with code I'd never seen before).  I don't think it's
that unusual in small 1-2 person developer arenas (i.e. where processes
are not yet in place).

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