Hi there,

A couple of weeks ago (I haven't had time to post until now) I installed some new programs and one of them (and I have no idea which one) is now forcing the Windows Welcome screen (WinXP) to show on boot up. I don't want a welcome screen, nor do I want a login screen. I always boot directly into Windows and that's what I want back in place. When the Welcome screen comes up, it's not requiring a login - I just click the name and it finishes booting to Windows. But I hate this. I cannot find any options/preferences in the programs I installed for changing this. One was a new HP printer which I seriously doubt caused this because I've installed many a printer and never had this happen. The other is the Wacom Pen Tablet and associated bundled software that came w/it.

I have been into the Control Panel/User Accounts - I have one admin account and that's the name that's showing up on the Welcome screen so I can't delete it.

I also found something called ASP.NET Machine installed and I have no idea where that came from or what program installed it. I have not had reason to go into the User Accounts in months and months so this could have been installed by anything and not necessarily a recent install. It's showing as password protected and I know for sure I did not set this up. If I ever need a password for it, I have no idea what it would be.

If I were to remove the Welcome screen within the User Accounts, it's telling me then I'll have a "classic" login screen complete w/password. Don't want that.

If I go into TweakUI there are options that *are* checkmarked ( that I didn't checkmark) under LOGON. They are:

Keep RAS connections after logoff (not checked)
Parse Aytiexec.bat at logon (checked)
Show ASPNET on Welcome Screen (checked but not by me)
Show "MyLastName" on Welcome Screen (checked but not by me and this is the admin account in the User Accounts)

I don't want to do anything because I'm terrified I'll wind up locking myself out of Windows entirely. But I want that blasted welcome screen gone! Can this be done and if so, how? Anyone know how to get me back the way I was before?

Thank you!

:: Deb | PBC Web Design
:: http://www.PBCWebDesign.com

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