On 12/26/06, PBC Web Design <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 05:46 PM 12/26/2006, you wrote:
>The key here first of all is listen to Windows's sound effects when
>you plug in your external drive. Hot-swappable devices will trigger
>three events in Windows (device connect, device disconnect and
>device error) that have sounds attached.
><<<< snip >>>>

I don't know what happened w/mine but I do have my external drive
back.  Seems to have come back all on it's own.  Strange.

:: Deb | PBC Web Design
:: http://www.PBCWebDesign.com

This isn't really strange at all. It's a matter of recognizing the
drive and enumerating the content. For example, when you put in a cd
there is a moment when the searching flashlight icon shows before the
content of the cd is listed. Also there are times when you click on
Windows Explorer and get the flashlight while the explorer program
busily goes about its business of creating the folder or tree view.

With a usb connection, it's the same thing. Usb is built for quick
connections and that's the case with such small things as flash
drives, keyboards, printers etc. A big/large/humongous/ginormous
external drive with all those files, pictures, sound files, movies on
it takes time to enumerate.

And sometimes when you use more than one usb device, windows "expects"
it in a particular port. You may then see two removable devices, with
different drive letters, even though only one is actually plugged in.
I've got one machine where the camera works in one port and the thumb
drive in another and I lack the patience to wait them out if I switch
the connections. OS helpfulness is sometimes a mixed blessing.

Wikipedia has a very nice piece on usb if you are interested in some
of the history and technical details.



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