On 08/14/2008 08:48 PM, Ross Clutterbuck wrote:
> Not a problem in theory, but I've hit a problem with building the HTML 
> interface that's hurting my very fragile brain.
> What I've done so far is used 3 <select> objects set as lists with some 
> buttons and a smattering of Javascript to move these list items around - 
> selecting an item in the course units list and clicking the add buttons 
> successfully adds that item to the mandatory or optional units lists as 
> appropriate and removes it from available units. The process is 
> reversible too.
> Then I try to submit the thing. Even though the lists have options in 
> them, unless I actually select any of the options contained no data for 
> that list is submitted - obvious looking back on it as that's how these 
> form controls work.
> Am I barking up the wrong tree using <select> boxes for this? Can I use 
> Javascript to internally select every item in the list as soon as I 
> submit the form? Is there a better way of doing it?

I'd say there's going to need to be some Javascript involved.  As you're
presumably going to be relying on Javascript already to move items
around the interface, using a bit more probably isn't a problem :)

Could you perhaps re-think it in a simpler way, and just have a set of
checkboxes to select the units which should be mandatory for the course
in question?  That would remove the requirement for Javascript and
unfamiliar UI tools immediately.  (Facilities to move list items from
one section to another are reasonably common, and most users shouldn't
stumble on them for long, but checkboxes are a hell of a lot more
common, and most users just instinctively know what to do).


Dave P

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